* FREE* Lunch n Learn Included at most locations *FREE* New Products Demo
Dr. Brian Porteous has been in private practice for 41 years and is a pioneer in Chiropractic Continuing Education. After decades of providing CEU lectures, he has decided to slow down as he heads toward retirement, and Dr. Larry Basch is taking over the daily operations of CEU seminars.
Dr. Porteous still lectures at some of the CEU seminars and continues to works as a expert consultant to the Chiropractic profession and assists doctors with Chiropractic Board issues.
We have worked hard to bring a wide variety of Speakers and Educational topics to make CEU interesting and educational. We have the most experienced speaker line up for CEU.
Dr. Larry Basch has extensive experience and has joined Dr. Brian Porteous in managing & running the daily operations of the CEU Seminars.
Dr. Larry Basch, D.C., CCSP, CCEP, ICSC
Certified Sports, Extremity, International & Military Chiropractor
Expert in PEMF, Shockwave Therapy
With over 32 years of clinical experience as a Board Certified Chiropractor and having worked in 28 different civilian clinics, I have treated tens of thousands of patients from infants to seniors to world champion power lifters, NFL & NBA professional athletes, some rock n roll superstars and a wide variety of US & foreign military and special forces.
As a Marine Corps veteran, I am honored to be one of only eight Chiropractors to work for the United States Marine Corps / Navy Sports Medicine. In 2009, I was selected to work at the first full-time Chiropractic clinic at the Officers Candidate School, USMC, Quantico, VA. In 2010, I transferred to Twenty-nine Palms Naval Hospital, USMC, CA. Since 2011, I have been at the Marine Corps School of Infantry / Navy Medicine Multi-Discipline Sports Medicine clinic at Camp Pendleton.
I am one of only about 5000 Chiropractors to complete the post-graduate program Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner (CCSP) and then to be nationally certified by American Board of Chiropractic Sports Physicians. Additionally, I am a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP)with additional training in Laser, PEMF & Shockwave. I have post graduate training from Olympic and Professional Sports Chiropractors. I have advanced certification in the treatment of whiplash injuries, spinal rehab, acupuncture and extensive training in Clinical Nutrition, Soft Tissue Injuries, Sports Injuries & PEMF, Shockwave as well as past employment as a Clinical Case Manager doing Insurance review for the nation’s largest Chiropractic HMO. I am also a 10 yr Veteran of U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and Army National Guard.
12-Hour Live-In Person & 12-Hour on-line CEU Seminar
Seminars Include FREE NEW PRODUCT DEMO, Products may vary
Please EMAIL us with ALL Questions and we will reply ASAP
Email: ACASCEU1@gmail.com
Please Note: we run a busy practice, if you need to call, please leave a message, we will return call asap.
Phone: 951-603-0052
All LIVE / IN PERSON Seminar hours
Registration 6:45 AM ALL Lectures begin at 7:00 AM -12:20 / Lunch / 1:30 - 7:00 PM
(Speakers & Topics may vary slightly)
6:45-7:00 AM Registration
7:00-10:15 Ethics/ Law/ Wellness
10:15-12:30 Pain Mgmt. / Stem Cell
1:30-3:45 Chiro Tech / Pain Mgmt.
3:50-6:50 Chiro /Rehab / Chiro Tech
Learn new methods & therapies for the 21st century safe, non-invasive, Regen therapy, Stem Cells, PRP, pain management, rehab and wellness for easy integration into to practice, based on EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE.
Topics and speakers may vary.
Gain Experience using different types of PEMF, Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy, Radial Pulse Wave Therapy, Laser, Whole Body Vibration, Chiro techniques, MRI Interpretation, Pain Management, Ethics & more. This includes Product Expo & Hands-On experience with demo equipment.
www.ACASCEU.com Ph: 951–603-0052
Please leave us a Message, we will call you back ASAP
Walk Ins Welcome
Do your required 12 hours In-Person & 12 hours On-Line with us for $260.00
The Academy of Chiropractic Arts and Science - Porteous / Basch Chiropractic Academy are Approved Continuing Education Provider by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
E-MAIL to us and You Can PAY AT DOOR
* New Board Rules are Enforced - You must be on time and present to obtain CEU Credit.
In order to comply with the new CA Chiro Board Rules, at our Seminars all DC's must Sign In at 7:00 AM and Out at 12:20 for lunch, (Twice in the AM ) and then upon return from lunch at 1:20 PM and 6:30 PM (twice in the PM) so 4 signatures total for 12 hours.
Note: There may be random Roll Call / Attendance taken. You must be in the room to get credit.
You Must be on time and present during all times of the seminar to receive CEU credit.
Please Don't Risk Your License or ours.
California Chiropractic Board Approved 24-Hours Continuing Education APPROVAL
# CA-C-25-01-11062/11063/11064/11065/12107/12108/12109/12110/12092/12093/12094/1209512115/
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